Connecting Music, Dance, Culture and Minds: The Koresh Dance Company
This weekend, Schimmel Center is excited to welcome an exciting dance company straight from Philadelphia, The Koresh Dance Company. The acclaimed ensemble is the brain child of choreographer, Roni Koresh. As a teacher and collaborator, Koresh has created a unique and highly emotional movement blend of ballet, modern and jazz. Since 1991, the company has cemented an international reputation for highly technical and emotionally charged work. In one of his latest works, Come Together, the audience is taken on a musical journey with classical and contemporary composers from Israel and Turkey set alongside classic western compositions by masters such as Beethoven, Chopin, Ravel and more. The piece bridges the gap between middle eastern and European musical aesthetics while grounding and driving “earthy rhythms of the old world with the ethereal, heavenly sounds of the new.”
Please enjoy the following video, showcasing the astounding choreography of Koresh. The video includes a short preview of this week’s astounding piece, Come Together.
Part of Koresh Dance Company’s mission is community outreach and education. It is all the more appropriate that Koresh Dance Company will take place in a unique “STEAM” workshop that will teach young students important computer, math and science skills through the lens of dance. On Friday, February 6, Koresh will take to the auditorium of public middle school, MS 188. Led by professors from Pace University, around 100 middle school students will discover math and science problems inspired by the dance performance. Students will also learn basic foundations of computer coding as they “code their own dance.” As Koresh’s choreography blends different music and cultures, it will also help to bridge the gap between math and sciences and the humanities. The students who partake in the workshop will also be given the opportunity to see the full performance of Come Together for free at the Schimmel Center. The STEAM project is made possible with a grant from Time Warner Cable.
Koresh Dance Company: “Come Together”; Friday and Saturday, February 6th and 7th at 7:30pm; Tickets Prices $49 | $39 | $29; Call our box office at (212) 346-1715 or visit
See you at the Schimmel
Michael Scott-Torbet
Season Blogger
For more info on Time Warner Cable and the Connect a Million Minds initiative, visit

A STEAM project with Koresh Dance Company has been made possible with a grant from Time Warner Cable.